Thursday 24 July 2008


that 'put money into thy purse' kept ringing into my mind. nuts. like what the hell? Dreaming of the Moor every single moment is not going to keep me from feeling better these days.

So i've been feeling increasingly retarded these days. As in not metaphorically but LITERALLY. Really. Argh.

Especially today. Felt that I could have just wanna jump into that big drain near my school. Really just jump in and don't come out. So OMIGOD embarrassing. I won't throw my own face by telling you the stupidity i showed.


So many things have been going through my mind. So many flashing images that seemed to ring a bell but poof, gone in a while. Screaming out to me, this very little soul in me wondering, pondering, wishing when it's time to be free. Screams. screams. Get out of that door. Wondering where I'm heading. Wondering where I come from.

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