Monday, 12 January 2009

really really like string instruments. cello, viola and even violin. the beauty of it all. a pity that i'm a little too old to pick it up. would love to play the violin actually. yes, this weird thought sparked out from nowhere cos' i just watch the trailer on youtube.

seems really really good.

omigod, i shall rush off to watch august rush now. the female lead is really really pretty and yes, the male lead is hot. maybe not hot but charming in the very least. blue eyes! hahaha. and i'm glad i've survived the whole of wireless data and all the weird stuff tied to it. somehow i conclude we really love keropok cos' we finished almost all of it that was in the pantry. super funny. it was full to the brim in the morn and by evening, only 1/8 of it was left.

p.s it was in those big big khong guan tins and not some pathetic little bottle sort ok.

and i'm speaking like donald duck now. the stupid metal thing is killing me. and i feel the urgent need to take them out, like now.

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