Sunday, 29 November 2009


2009, coming to an end soon in about 1 mth's time. ohmygawd. time's passing WAY TOO FAST! D:

and i'm stoning at starbucks. i'm been stoning alot these days. darn bad really. and my last paper is really torturing me to bits.

6 days of struggle. o.O it's killing me seriously.

and then back to more projects to kinda kill me during december. plus a week more to 2 weeks of OUTTTA SINGAPORE OLEH. then outta this place and back to constant 15 weeks of struggle next sem. plus 5 mods. ohmygawd. i think i'm killing myself. D:

its a weird weird weather these days. chao weird. extreme change in wet and dry/sunny/bright weather. i hope it won't be freak weather there in SH O:

okay. enough of ranting . i shall contd with my readings. SOBS x 100000000000000000000000000000000.


on a side note, do you know why people DO NOT domesticate zebras? Cos they get startled too easily and it's darn hard to tame their teeny weeny guts.
-as learned from TWC GGS. wow. it's brilliant really.

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