Sunday 22 November 2009

1 more day

okay. 1 more day to my first paper.
bad. i feel so saturated that i'm having a headache.
in school still mugging on a sunday.

if mummy make me an offer to quit school now (of course in real life she definitely won't), i would definitely accept the offer now. (before she revokes it). consideration is that i would get my freedom and mummy would get a less insane daughter. perfect agreement really.

the condition of this agreement is for mummy to pull me outta school now.
shall there be a breach of this condition, which deprives me substantially the whole benefit that i sign the contract for, i can sue mummy. provided that there's no exemption clause.

but there is. the exemption clause that mummy included was that she will not be liable for my future if i would to quit school now. there's a need to see whether is this exemption clause properly incorporated and constructed in the contract and whether does it contravene the UCTA.

In this case, must use UCTA section 2(2), test of reasonableness. explanation wise, i shall skip it.

in the end, i found out that mummy made a mispresentation on her part. negligent misrepresentation. 3 steps to prove: 1) she made a representation/false statement of fact (to let me quit sch) 2) this representation is made by offeror (mummy) to me (offeree) 3) that representation induced me into the contract.

okay. i'm just talking nonsense. sorry for wasting 3 minutes of your time reading this but imma jus feeling bored.
and EC is totally invalid and not much related to the context but i'm too lazy to think of any other possible alternatives to it.

too bad. screwed/fried brain.
bye earthlings/worms/butterflies.

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