Friday 10 April 2009

ten years down the road

10 years down the road. It really is funny how we would be saying that when we are all much younger, maybe during the p6 PSLE days I do remember vividly.

7 years has past. So 10 years wasn't very long either. Maybe it was how life proceeded that made it seemed a little shorter. What would hold in the future 10 years from now too?

Moving on. Proceeding with courage. Entering yet leaving all at the same time. Disappearing. Or maybe, gradually diminishing so slowly that you would never ever sense its presence fading. So thats how leaving this world is all about. Or maybe it never was there to make departure a big bang. Or maybe there's so much more worth in your life cos' you only have just this once. Pass this once and you can't exactly be looking back at all. No chance at all.

Dreams, ambitions, hopes, future, family, relationships. Every single thing. Probably change and it would be another path taken altogether. A tad cliche but really, the only thing constant in this world is change.

I don't expect every single thing to be brillant. I don't expect the whole world to slow down for me either. I only expect less darkness; i need at least a guilding light in my life.

David Archuleta- A Little Too Not Over You

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