and yes, don't read too much my posts.
saying that 'i wanna dieeee' doesnt mean that i would literally throw myself off the building. i would equate that act to reaching the brink of insanity.
i'm speaking nonsense. i shall dive into my bed of roses and yes, sleep to my heart's content. goodnight!
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
31st dec 2008
just few hours ago, i was lugging everything back like a mad woman. hair standing all over the place and looked utterly shagged. to think min can laugh bout it and say i look like rain. (that korean star like omg. how's it ever possible? ) couldn't eat anything in the morn so i'd left the rest and head for home first.
i wanna kick gan bao sheng really. kept laughing non-stop and his annoying "what the shit" and "noob" are like stuck in my brain now. all his silly fault la and yes, i'm sure the rest would agree with me for all the silly things he did. and yes, i took a photo while he was holding that pink gay bag for me. HAHA. i found it funny but apparently, the rest just concluded that i'm crazy once again. which apparently IS NOT true cos' i'm perfectly sane, kicking and strong.
and before i can get a wink when i reached home, i've gotta run out in formal attire yet again. -roll eyes to that-
forget it. stop rambling. i shall just conclude how 2008 meant to me. how it was really a weird year with its transition of events going from high to low and back to high like a very-not-exciting-rollar-coaster. 2nd year in college was definitely easier to adapt than the 1st. The least that was done was to have a gauge of how life stuck in prison would be and it was the year i get to be more aware of my surroundings and know more people.
j1 was merely in my own dreamland, good in a sense too.
well. it's heartening to know that horror, that nightmare has finally ended. now is yet another journey that we'll embark on. and yes, need tons of courage and yes, one step at a time.
toodles to 2008. and blog again after new year.
and finished NEW MOON. moving on to ECLIPSE. :D
new moon is nice though i've no idea why many beg to differ. and i hate stories when guys dump girls and expect forgiveness later. bullcrap really.
i wanna kick gan bao sheng really. kept laughing non-stop and his annoying "what the shit" and "noob" are like stuck in my brain now. all his silly fault la and yes, i'm sure the rest would agree with me for all the silly things he did. and yes, i took a photo while he was holding that pink gay bag for me. HAHA. i found it funny but apparently, the rest just concluded that i'm crazy once again. which apparently IS NOT true cos' i'm perfectly sane, kicking and strong.
and before i can get a wink when i reached home, i've gotta run out in formal attire yet again. -roll eyes to that-
forget it. stop rambling. i shall just conclude how 2008 meant to me. how it was really a weird year with its transition of events going from high to low and back to high like a very-not-exciting-rollar-coaster. 2nd year in college was definitely easier to adapt than the 1st. The least that was done was to have a gauge of how life stuck in prison would be and it was the year i get to be more aware of my surroundings and know more people.
j1 was merely in my own dreamland, good in a sense too.
well. it's heartening to know that horror, that nightmare has finally ended. now is yet another journey that we'll embark on. and yes, need tons of courage and yes, one step at a time.
toodles to 2008. and blog again after new year.
and finished NEW MOON. moving on to ECLIPSE. :D
new moon is nice though i've no idea why many beg to differ. and i hate stories when guys dump girls and expect forgiveness later. bullcrap really.
Sunday, 28 December 2008
feeling like a piece of wretched left-in-one-corner note now, unseen and untouched. maybe it's just the friggin time that's causing me to feel sulkish and yes, wanna scream like a mad woman.
the blue blue sea. the amazing thing about it was that there's two shades of blue. that's for the pacific ocean i've seen while in taiwan. there's no distinct skyline and that is the beauty of it all.
you can't just helped but feel awe by the beauty of that vast amount of water. the waves, the sand and every little bit of it that make up that very soothing atmosphere. and yah, the ocip company was greatly appreciated also today. it's always nice to come together, play some silly games, say some silly stuff and laugh our heads off.
YA. the only thing that make me wanna start ranting is the seat of the bike. they are horrible and they threatened to make your lifeass utterly miserable. they probably need restucturing and yes, improve on their darn bikes.
anyway, life's pretty yikey now. How it will be 2009 soon, how i feel like a jobless parasite and how I desperately need work to kill time and earn money. It's just rotting my lifeass off at home. plain waste of the earth's resources i call it but yah, good jobs are really hard to find. and even if there's one, most would have been snapped up and none would be left for you.
back to reality. there's still a million stuff to be done. i wanna watch Australia. and i wanna finish Breaking Dawn, New Moon also. And how i hope we can go batam for countdown. that would be really cool.
the blue blue sea. the amazing thing about it was that there's two shades of blue. that's for the pacific ocean i've seen while in taiwan. there's no distinct skyline and that is the beauty of it all.
you can't just helped but feel awe by the beauty of that vast amount of water. the waves, the sand and every little bit of it that make up that very soothing atmosphere. and yah, the ocip company was greatly appreciated also today. it's always nice to come together, play some silly games, say some silly stuff and laugh our heads off.
YA. the only thing that make me wanna start ranting is the seat of the bike. they are horrible and they threatened to make your life
anyway, life's pretty yikey now. How it will be 2009 soon, how i feel like a jobless parasite and how I desperately need work to kill time and earn money. It's just rotting my life
back to reality. there's still a million stuff to be done. i wanna watch Australia. and i wanna finish Breaking Dawn, New Moon also. And how i hope we can go batam for countdown. that would be really cool.
Saturday, 27 December 2008
that name appeared in my mind again all of a sudden, after stopping for a year plus. maybe occasionally, memories would just resurface and later fade away.
goodbye. i rather it disappear and cease to exist.
P.S Happy Birthday to my dearest Ong. Her gift is a bikini. Luckily my dear sistas didn't do me in like that on my birthday and for that i wanna say i love them :D
cheers to her and to you and to all of us.
goodbye. i rather it disappear and cease to exist.
P.S Happy Birthday to my dearest Ong. Her gift is a bikini. Luckily my dear sistas didn't do me in like that on my birthday and for that i wanna say i love them :D
cheers to her and to you and to all of us.
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
and oh yes, i'm back on the singapore soil once again. reaching changi airport once again and going through the same routes in the car once again too.
i'm so tired and i brought back many friends such as Mr Flu and Ms Sore throat. It's bugging me to bits and I wanna get rid of them. And they made me sound like an old granny speaking. Don't call my hoarse voice sexy cos' I obviously prefer my ORIGINAL voice of course.
i heard my tummy growling. dinner is ready. trilalala nights!
i'm so tired and i brought back many friends such as Mr Flu and Ms Sore throat. It's bugging me to bits and I wanna get rid of them. And they made me sound like an old granny speaking. Don't call my hoarse voice sexy cos' I obviously prefer my ORIGINAL voice of course.
i heard my tummy growling. dinner is ready. trilalala nights!
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Monday, 15 December 2008
i told them 'don't cry' cos' if they do, they would be mai suey mak mak.
i think for a moment, a part of my heart was crying with them too.
i would remember their tear-wretched faces. i would.
these memories tugged my heart a little, forcing me to accept the fact that if we would to say hello one day, goodbyes would just come, naturally.
a part of my memory, a part of my heart.
left unravelled in a chest.
kept hidden in a corner of a tower.
kept hidden in the bottom of my heart.
i think for a moment, a part of my heart was crying with them too.
i would remember their tear-wretched faces. i would.
these memories tugged my heart a little, forcing me to accept the fact that if we would to say hello one day, goodbyes would just come, naturally.
a part of my memory, a part of my heart.
left unravelled in a chest.
kept hidden in a corner of a tower.
kept hidden in the bottom of my heart.
Sunday, 14 December 2008
we were playing asshole daidi/bridged throughout the night on the 11th. luck was splitted between the different beds.
BED A: me, jinhui, weizhe
BED B: huishan, fukang, wen hao.
and liza sat in between both beds. hilarious thing.
Bed A was forever stuck in the asshole cycle when the BIG/MEDIUM/SMALL asshole rank floated among us 3 while the 'royalties' would be to BED B.
thus, i floated from big asshole to king and back to big asshole sooner than i'd expected. luck is just not shining on yours truly. and my brain started to protest at around 2am plus already.
ok la. i found it funny how i would be like yay-ing when i'm the king and cursing when i fall back to become the big asshole. whateverrrr. so we went to walk at around late 2 plus and all the way, they just had to keep saying about whatever whatever scary thing that had happened in the CO room before. so shitty that i wanna run off and just use the swing.
and yes, i just love playing bridge. YAY. ain't it such an intellectual game? HAHS.
ok ok. i'm feeling cranky. i don't wanna pack. i want to sleep. i wanna watch my twilight.
toodles then.
BED A: me, jinhui, weizhe
BED B: huishan, fukang, wen hao.
and liza sat in between both beds. hilarious thing.
Bed A was forever stuck in the asshole cycle when the BIG/MEDIUM/SMALL asshole rank floated among us 3 while the 'royalties' would be to BED B.
thus, i floated from big asshole to king and back to big asshole sooner than i'd expected. luck is just not shining on yours truly. and my brain started to protest at around 2am plus already.
ok la. i found it funny how i would be like yay-ing when i'm the king and cursing when i fall back to become the big asshole. whateverrrr. so we went to walk at around late 2 plus and all the way, they just had to keep saying about whatever whatever scary thing that had happened in the CO room before. so shitty that i wanna run off and just use the swing.
and yes, i just love playing bridge. YAY. ain't it such an intellectual game? HAHS.
ok ok. i'm feeling cranky. i don't wanna pack. i want to sleep. i wanna watch my twilight.
toodles then.
Thursday, 11 December 2008
i'm feeling so tired. maybe i'll hit the sack in a while more again. yes, again.
i've got a big bump on my head which really hurt cos' i, very intelligently, knocked my poor head into the silly meter. and it still hurts now. i bet i would suffer a concussion like really soon.
and i realise that sneak previews of Twilight are already showing. maybe i'll catch it on monday/tuesday. this is good cos' it means that i can watch Australia when i come back. and god knows where am i gonna get the money really.
class gathering later. hope it would be worth going tho cos' i'm really really broke. get it? i doubt you (the loaded kid) reading this silly thing that i'm writing would be able to sympatise with me. and yah, i've applied for my BTT. the rain was horrifyingly heavy yesterday. choi and i held 2 pathetic umbrellas and 3 taxis stopped for us. apparently, i think we looked totally like damsels in distress for 3 taxis to stop within a proximity of 50m to the mrt.
and trilalala. 27th 27th 27th! i'm looking forward to it.
i've got a big bump on my head which really hurt cos' i, very intelligently, knocked my poor head into the silly meter. and it still hurts now. i bet i would suffer a concussion like really soon.
and i realise that sneak previews of Twilight are already showing. maybe i'll catch it on monday/tuesday. this is good cos' it means that i can watch Australia when i come back. and god knows where am i gonna get the money really.
class gathering later. hope it would be worth going tho cos' i'm really really broke. get it? i doubt you (the loaded kid) reading this silly thing that i'm writing would be able to sympatise with me. and yah, i've applied for my BTT. the rain was horrifyingly heavy yesterday. choi and i held 2 pathetic umbrellas and 3 taxis stopped for us. apparently, i think we looked totally like damsels in distress for 3 taxis to stop within a proximity of 50m to the mrt.
and trilalala. 27th 27th 27th! i'm looking forward to it.
Monday, 8 December 2008
and i shall just jiayou jiayou in finding thy job.
i think i'm getting toooo paranoid. i'm into the endless 省钱大计划 recently. It's really that bad. I needa get a life back really.
and yah, hopefully I would get some replies after calling/sending resumes like for countless of times already. This's so really tiring. Yes, please pray that OCIP dinner would be well, enjoyable later.
c'mon c'mon. we need to get high get high but not too high.
p.s i wanna read new moon since i've finished twilight. the story is not bad i must say but it's kinda draggy when most description goes on non-stop to say how suave Cullen is. and p.s i think i can go flunk my exam cos' i just cannot catch the silly rhythm.
12 beats in a bar. quaver. and i go 1-2-3 4 times and i still cannot catch the silly rhythm. maybe i should just change the darn song.
-bang wall-
Sunday, 7 December 2008
OCIP 2008
OCIP 2008: Our 6 days journey.
I've never taken Thai Airway before so it was really funny to note how i thought that the flight TG402 was Tiger Airways. But still, I like the colour of the seats cos' they are of such vibrant colours.

From Chiangmai Airport, it was about 4 hours ride up the mountain to Mae Hong Son. So it was the crazy singing experience all the way. I really really love sunset to bits.

Trees, shrubs and more trees yet again.

Our first morning in Mae Hong Son. The misty feel in the morning. Mystical ain't it?

The route taken every morn to the dining area.

Teaching Com :D It's way too dark though.
bamboo rice! :D gawddddd. it's really nice especially when it's hot.
We had star-gazing that very last night. The whole nightsky is akin to pretty crystals scattered everywhere. Only difference is that it ain't tangible sad to say. It ended when everyone was already half freezing with some of us in slippers. My toes were half frozen already.
And the final day, the journey back to Singapore.

I think this picture is darn cute. Like a fairytale backdrop with a witch's pot underneath a tree. I never got to know what that pot was for actually. A bin perhaps?

That last bit of Chiangmai. The streets are really very empty. (before we were all dragged to hop onto Silkair for our flight back.)

our drinks :D they are not bad i would say. it's a very random photo but who cares.
I've never taken Thai Airway before so it was really funny to note how i thought that the flight TG402 was Tiger Airways. But still, I like the colour of the seats cos' they are of such vibrant colours.
From Chiangmai Airport, it was about 4 hours ride up the mountain to Mae Hong Son. So it was the crazy singing experience all the way. I really really love sunset to bits.
It was about Thai time 5 plus 6 when this shot was taken. This place is some reserve

And yes, we continue up the mountain.
I really love this mystical feel. It's silly I know but somehow or rather, it occurs to me as a path that leads you to eternal happiness.
Yes, if only it is.
And yes, we continue up the mountain.
Trees, shrubs and more trees yet again.
Our first morning in Mae Hong Son. The misty feel in the morning. Mystical ain't it?
The route taken every morn to the dining area.
Yes yes yes. We have our meals here. And minthu looked really excited. Haha.
And you've just taken a peek at the girls' five star bunk, according to the guys. So if you think that this's real bad enough, i doubt you would wanna imagine how the guys' bunk would look like.
but i personally felt that our 12 girls' bunk was pretty cozy, besides that screwed up toilet. yes yes, better stop complaining cos' i'm sure the guys' toilets were a thousand times worse than ours.
kids of M2/3. Trying to pay utmost attention to what Edmund was saying then. (and so i hope)
Night marketVery pasar-malam-ish I know. Just that instead of it being Singapore's style (tents and what not), it's in Thai style (umbrellas or just open air)
This waffle is really really good. And 5 baht for one only! Approximately S$0.25.
And there's that condensed milk dough thingy. it's darn nice.
And for the few days, it was just teaching and playing volleyball/monkey with the kids after school.
Photos below are taken during the 1 Day Science Camp. And that very night, we had our farewell dinner prepared by our very hospitable host.
Teaching Com :D It's way too dark though.
I really find this photo highly amusing. copying the 'choo-choo-train' look. Taken during the dance performances by the Thai, with the 'participation' of OCIP-ers.
bamboo rice! :D gawddddd. it's really nice especially when it's hot.
We had star-gazing that very last night. The whole nightsky is akin to pretty crystals scattered everywhere. Only difference is that it ain't tangible sad to say. It ended when everyone was already half freezing with some of us in slippers. My toes were half frozen already.
And the final day, the journey back to Singapore.
I think this picture is darn cute. Like a fairytale backdrop with a witch's pot underneath a tree. I never got to know what that pot was for actually. A bin perhaps?
That last bit of Chiangmai. The streets are really very empty. (before we were all dragged to hop onto Silkair for our flight back.)
our drinks :D they are not bad i would say. it's a very random photo but who cares.
it's weird how that job has actually crossed my mind. it never did till yesterday when they brought it up so maybe, i would give it a shot by sending in some job enquiries. it would be a totally new working experience if i was employed, really different.
IF i was employed. i could somehow or rather tell that i'm going into the self-fantasizing mode, like totally.
OCIP photos would be up soon. Nah, doubt i would be taking a lot of those cam-whore photos that we so totally love taking. it's mostly the little things that we see and felt daily, left unappreciated till the last day.
it would be really memories-jolting i supposed when i post it up, maybe after this entry i guess.
side note: yikes! boey posted allllll the crap cam-whore photos on facebook. i can just go jump into a drain soon cos' it'sbloody unglam. and yes, i wanna go swim. hahs.
IF i was employed. i could somehow or rather tell that i'm going into the self-fantasizing mode, like totally.
OCIP photos would be up soon. Nah, doubt i would be taking a lot of those cam-whore photos that we so totally love taking. it's mostly the little things that we see and felt daily, left unappreciated till the last day.
it would be really memories-jolting i supposed when i post it up, maybe after this entry i guess.
side note: yikes! boey posted allllll the crap cam-whore photos on facebook. i can just go jump into a drain soon cos' it's
Friday, 5 December 2008
d&d ended on the 3rd/4th. it was a last minute decision to attend only on the 2nd dec at approximately 11pm. thanks for the dress and the ticket to yinghui and yings respectively.
only thing that was interesting to take note was jj's shocked at my presence. his stunned expression was utterly amusing. well other than that, nothing else great happened actually. it's the usual take-tons-of-photos kinda thing.
it was pretty much the usual. girls in dresses and guys in suit. what more stark changes can you expect.
but i really like chun hui's answers- prom queen need not necessarily wear a dress. haha. if only i had a really nice and formal top i would definitely not put myself in a dress.
stayed over at yinghui's house till morning then lugged myself home. i would have stayed till morn i guess, if not for my barang barang that's deposited at her home. playing indian poker and bridge till morn seems like a pretty good idea too but i'd rather finish reading my twilight.
edward cullen! :D i'm so gonna catch twilight. definitely. but the silly thing is that it's opening a day AFTER i leave. silly silly peezy thing. bad. and i'm adopting too much of daowei's words too (the word 'silly' i mean). this's real bad also.
and today's the thai king's birthday. would have been somewhere catching fish in the river or even enjoying the spectacular view of wild sunflowers blooming currently. in any case, happy birthday to the king :D we didnt get to celebrate with him though.
no job. no nothing. no one wants to employ a freak who's schedule is literally madness. well, i'll still press on and FIND something to keep me occupied for a few more days. yes, and in case low's reading this, i wanna take up japanese too. shall get some guidebooks first then enroll for lessons, ONCE i've gotten a job.
kob-khun-kah (thank you) for reading.
only thing that was interesting to take note was jj's shocked at my presence. his stunned expression was utterly amusing. well other than that, nothing else great happened actually. it's the usual take-tons-of-photos kinda thing.
it was pretty much the usual. girls in dresses and guys in suit. what more stark changes can you expect.
but i really like chun hui's answers- prom queen need not necessarily wear a dress. haha. if only i had a really nice and formal top i would definitely not put myself in a dress.
stayed over at yinghui's house till morning then lugged myself home. i would have stayed till morn i guess, if not for my barang barang that's deposited at her home. playing indian poker and bridge till morn seems like a pretty good idea too but i'd rather finish reading my twilight.
edward cullen! :D i'm so gonna catch twilight. definitely. but the silly thing is that it's opening a day AFTER i leave. silly silly peezy thing. bad. and i'm adopting too much of daowei's words too (the word 'silly' i mean). this's real bad also.
and today's the thai king's birthday. would have been somewhere catching fish in the river or even enjoying the spectacular view of wild sunflowers blooming currently. in any case, happy birthday to the king :D we didnt get to celebrate with him though.
no job. no nothing. no one wants to employ a freak who's schedule is literally madness. well, i'll still press on and FIND something to keep me occupied for a few more days. yes, and in case low's reading this, i wanna take up japanese too. shall get some guidebooks first then enroll for lessons, ONCE i've gotten a job.
kob-khun-kah (thank you) for reading.
Thursday, 4 December 2008
yes yes. i'm revived. it takes me so long to finally type something here i supposed.
ocip trip was great. but it was a pity it had to end so early but still, if only we had pressed on for a couple of days more. the probability of completing the full 15 days journey would be so much higher.
now to think of it, does it really matter anymore since the bare truth is out-we're all back in singapore already. it's all about letting go and moving on but yes, memories would stay. i would made it stay and not let time erode it all away.
i would miss that retarded singing experience up the mountain.
miss the star gazing experience.
miss the high fun tian experience during the farewell dinner.
miss the bamboo rice (it's darn awesome seriously)
miss my kids from M2/3.
miss the hospitality by the thais.
miss the crappy-ness of the entire team.
miss playing volleyball/monkey with my kids (once again from the various classes)
miss eating ice cream in the morning when it's freezing cold.
miss shopping at the night market :D the wafer and the dough thingy are awesome
don't miss acting like zoo exhibits when some thai people would just stop you for a SOLO picture. (it scares the nerves out of me seriously)
it ended. but cherish the memories that it gives us because they are our source of encouragement to embark new journeys in the future. 9th december would be the official closure of this journey and afterwhich, it would be kept in me for as long as i would remember.
ocip 2008: embrace
ocip favourite dance: ching-chong
ocip favourite phrase: hong nam you tee nai (where's the toilet)
ocip favourite question to students: kao jai mai (do you understand?)
ocip favourite game: indian poker :D
gahs. i can't remember anymore other stuff. shall update more when i do (:
ocip trip was great. but it was a pity it had to end so early but still, if only we had pressed on for a couple of days more. the probability of completing the full 15 days journey would be so much higher.
now to think of it, does it really matter anymore since the bare truth is out-we're all back in singapore already. it's all about letting go and moving on but yes, memories would stay. i would made it stay and not let time erode it all away.
i would miss that retarded singing experience up the mountain.
miss the star gazing experience.
miss the high fun tian experience during the farewell dinner.
miss the bamboo rice (it's darn awesome seriously)
miss my kids from M2/3.
miss the hospitality by the thais.
miss the crappy-ness of the entire team.
miss playing volleyball/monkey with my kids (once again from the various classes)
miss eating ice cream in the morning when it's freezing cold.
miss shopping at the night market :D the wafer and the dough thingy are awesome
don't miss acting like zoo exhibits when some thai people would just stop you for a SOLO picture. (it scares the nerves out of me seriously)
it ended. but cherish the memories that it gives us because they are our source of encouragement to embark new journeys in the future. 9th december would be the official closure of this journey and afterwhich, it would be kept in me for as long as i would remember.
ocip 2008: embrace
ocip favourite dance: ching-chong
ocip favourite phrase: hong nam you tee nai (where's the toilet)
ocip favourite question to students: kao jai mai (do you understand?)
ocip favourite game: indian poker :D
gahs. i can't remember anymore other stuff. shall update more when i do (:
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